Business valuations in support of a corporate reorganization:
- One of the major reasons that a valuation is undertaken for Income tax purposes is to support and give credibility to a price adjustment clause for a section 85 rollover or a section 86 reorganization.
- As stated in paragraph 1.5(a) of the CRA’s Folio S4-F3-C1 for price adjustment clauses, a price adjustment clause will be recognized by the CRA when the agreement between the parties reflects a bona fide intention of the parties to transfer the property at fair market value.
- Fair market value must be determined using a “fair and reasonable method." CRA uses the same definition of 'fair market value' as the Canadian Institute of Chartered Business Valuators, as per Information Circular 89-3.
- CRA’s valuators follow the practice standards as set out by the Canadian Institute of Chartered Business Valuators (see Information Circular 01-1)
- If CRA challenges and finds that the value amount was not determined using a "fair and reasonable method", then this may invalidate the price adjustment clause and may lead to significant costs, disputes and professional liability.
For corporate reorganizations, an independent business valuation from a Chartered Business Valuator is the prudent course of action!
Copyright © Keystone Business Advisors Inc. All rights reserved.
Chartered Business Valuators serving the GTA including Toronto, Mississauga, Oakville, Burlington, Hamilton & southern Ontario.
If you need to know the value of a small or mid-sized company, please contact us.
Please contact us for a free consultation:
Our valuation services to CPAs, accountants & tax experts include:
- Corporate reorganizations (Section 85, Section 86)
- Divorce involving a business owner or a self-employed person (we can assist by producing a business valuation report and also an income report for spousal support or child support purposes pursuant to the Federal Child Support Guidelines.)
- Purchase or sale of a business
- Transfer of a business
- Succession planning
- Shareholder disputes
- Non-arm's length transactions
- Quantification of economic damages
- Winding up – Section 88(1)(d) bumps
- Deemed dispositions at death
- Valuation of a class of shares
- Valuation of a minority interest in a corporation
- Intergenerational transfers of shares (sale of shares to children/grandchildren)
- The CRA has stated that a valuation report that meets the CBV Institute’s standards will meet the Canada Revenue Agency's expectations for a valuation report related to an inter-generational transfer.